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Office automation in a sentence

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Sentence count:45Posted:2019-07-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: automationautomatizationautomatic speech recognitionautomaticautomatizeautomatismautomaticsautomatic transmission
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31. A distributed office automation procedure definition language DODL is proposed and a system for implementing this language is described.
32. Some password security risks, which catch user password by getting user accounts, or monitoring network, or fetching user password files etc, are discussed in a frondose office automation system.
33. Sysoper Company - Provides consultancy and implementation services on infrastructure , networking, office automation, e - commerce.
34. It realizes the computerized management of formulating daily wage standard, personnel fluctuation, etc. It really accomplishes the OA (office automation).
35. NH - work flow technology in the office automation system of applied research.
36. Through multiple remote network connection system into a wide range of office automation system.
37. Coordinating to departments; personnel, labor and salary management; office automation and administrative service.
38. Moulds that require precision etching: office automation equipment, automobile parts.
39. To develop Computer - Aided Office System ( CAOS ) with dual functions of office automation ( OA ) and field - audIt'support.
40. Office automation, network - based office systems main function is to achieve information sharing and document flow.
41. According to performance requirement, the software subsystem can be divided into security management system, taxi scheduling system and office automation system.
42. With the rapidly development of Internet technology, office automation system more widely used in e - government applications.
42. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
43. Stylus printer is a common device in the field of office automation, and mainly used in bill printing.
44. Today's organizations have a wide variety of office automation hardware and software components at their disposal.
45. As an important output equipment, printers are an indispensable part of office automation system.
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